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“The representatives of the sub-prefecture estimate that the number of persons present in the camp is approximately 4600, while the associations amounted to nearly 6500, following a rigorous methodology presented to the Defender of Rights.” This sentence is taken from the Defender of Rights’ decision of July 22, 2016. It attests that anyone who looks at the work of monthly census of the shantytown made by associations Help Refugees and Auberge des Migrants finds the reliability of their method and results (see here, here, here and here).

The results of the September census have just been published. As intended, the total population of the site exceeds 10 000. It has more than doubled since the destruction of the southern part of the shantytown on a space reduced by half.

The census particularly emphasis on increased number of minors: 1179 in total, including 1,022 unaccompanied minors, abandoned by the Social Assistance Service for Children, depending on the County Council, and the State, in full violation of the law, because they are foreigners.

One of them died on the port ring road Friday morning. He was 14.



