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About 150 Policemen and Gendarmes came into the Jungle with a water cannon. They arrived around midday for requisition in the Restaurants area of the slum, to seize food and drinks. Several people have been arrested. According to witnesses police forces rage expecially JungleBooks Kids Restaurant, of the namesake association, which created as well a library, a school and a radio in the camp.
It clearly was a made-up event for medias, as became transparent with the press conference at its end, at 17.

Since its early days the slum has been the most dynamic area of Calais, with social life, economic activities, a few problems but a great creativity and plenty of events going on despite material and hygienical conditions, despite the violence, despite the several evictions and demolitions also of the so called New Jungle (see here and here).

We are not wrong if we think that authorities can’t stand this vitality.



A restaurant in the Jungle, by Loup Blaster http://loupblaster.tumblr.com